Weill Cornell Medicine BioVenture eLab

The BioVenture eLab, part of BioPharma Alliances & Research Collaborations, is a new program at Weill Cornell Medicine.


A nationwide collaborative entrepreneurship program that facilitates the formation of life sciences ventures by bringing together business students and scientific trainees.

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MSK Office of Technology Development

The Office of Technology Development (OTD) aims to help each innovation reach its full potential for benefiting people everywhere.

The office’s mission is to make certain that Memorial Sloan Kettering’s inventions have the greatest chance of helping patients through new therapies and other useful products becoming available on the market. We are also committed to creating maximum value from technology transfer to support further scientific research at Memorial Sloan Kettering.

Launched in 2014, Weill Cornell Medicine's Daedalus Fund for Innovation is a unique initiative designed to advance early stage applied and translational research projects that have clear, relatively near-term commercial potential. The core objective is to ensure that when academic research with commercial potential is still considered too early for industry or venture investment, resources are made available to bridge the funding gap.

Daedalus Fund for Innovation

Each year Weill Cornell Medicine hold its annual $100K Biomedical Business Plan Challenge. Entrepreneurial scientists apply and are selected to take part in an exciting 10-week intensive mentoring program to build and refine a complete business plan. Teams competed at a public Pitch Day in front of a panel of esteemed judges.

$100K Biomedical Business Plan Challenge